Lab Client

The System Class

class nyquist.lab.System(description, ip=None, http_resources=None, ws_resources=None, http_port=None, ws_port=None, http_timeout=None, ws_timeout=None, ws_get_mode=None)

Generates an object with the complete resource tree as attributes.

An instance from System defines a laboratory sistem completely, and allows the user to interact with it.

Given an string with the name of the device to control, the library will load the default values for it’s configuration. Said configuration can also be modified via keyword optional arguments.

The last word of each URL, each resource is an _HTTPEndpoint or _WSEndpoint, that according the methods assigned to the resource, will have a get() and/or post() method… or get() and/or post() method. The latter ones are much faster, but require an open websockets stream.

  • description (str) – The system name.

  • ip (str) – An IP address or domain.

  • http_resources (tuple) – Set of HTTP resources.

  • ws_resources (tuple) – Set of Websocket resources.

  • http_port (int) – Destination HTTP port.

  • ws_port (int) – Destination Websocket port.

  • http_timeout (float) – Timeout for each HTTP request.

  • ws_timeout (str. ("new" or "last").) – Timeout for each ws request.

  • ws_get_mode – Strategy to gather messages.

Methods for HTTP endpoints

_HTTPResourcer.get(resource, retval_mode='payload')

Gets the value of a resource.

  • resource (string) – The resource whose value we want. If using any nyquist.lab.client.System object, this argument mustn’t be passed.

  • retval_mode (string) – The type of return value we expect.


The value of the resource.

Return type

depends on the resource.

_HTTPResourcer.post(resource, value, retval_mode='code')

Gets the value of a resource.

  • resource (string) – The resource whose value we want to set. If using any nyquist.lab.client.System object, this argument mustn’t be passed.

  • value (depends on the resource) – The resource whose value we want to set.

  • retval_mode (string) – The type of return value we expect.


The return code.

Return type


Methods for WS endpoints


Gets the last telemetry value of given resource.

If the telemetry is not initialized (socket not opened yet) it opens a websocket and starts receiving telemetry asynchronously. Said telemetry will be saved, and can be retrieved by this method.

Is most likely that this method will return None the first time it’s called, so it’s advised to call it in the after_script first.

Every call of this method will set new_message to False, and every time a new message is stored, that attribute will be set to true. This way the user can implement methods to avoid reading the same message twice.

_WSResourcer.post(resource, value)

Sets the value of a resource through a fast channel, asynchronously.


Defining the control algorithm

abstract Experiment.before_the_loop()

The user should define this method. When Experiment.run() is called, this method will run first. Then it will wait for some time that can be set with Experiment.set_before_loop_time() and after said delay, it will run the loop.

abstract Experiment.in_the_loop()

The user should define this method. When Experiment.run() is called, this method will run in a loop, after Experiment.before_the_loop(). This method will run in a loop with a frequency established by Experiment.set_loop_frequency().

abstract Experiment.after_the_loop()

The user should define this method. When Experiment.run() is called, this method will run after the loop, and after a delay that can be configured with Experiment.set_after_loop_time().

Experiment object configuration


Define the frequency of the control-loop [Hz].


frequency_hz (float) – The frequency in hertz.


Define the simulation run time [s]. This includes only the time spent inside the control loop.


time_s (float) – The time in seconds.


Set the delay time between the Experiment.before_the_loop() and the start of the loop.


time_s (float) – The time in seconds.


Set the delay time between end of the loop and Experiment.after_the_loop().


time_s (float) – The time in seconds.



Execute the control experiment, run:

while _time_spent < _run_time_s:
    sleep(1 /_loop_period_s)